iovera° is an innovative type of pain relief treatment known as cryoneurolysis (kri-o-nuh-rol-i-sis), or cold therapy. iovera° is safe and cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration to help you achieve pain relief related to osteoarthritis (OA) and knee replacement surgery. It is also an option for people who cannot have knee replacement surgery. Learn more about iovera°.
iovera° can also be used for pain management in the hip, shoulder, chest, foot and ankle, spine, and more.
iovera° is an option for people who are experiencing osteoarthritis (OA) pain in the knee. It can also be given before or after knee replacement surgery to make recovery easier and less painful. Or iovera° can relieve your knee pain if you are not a candidate for knee surgery.
Ask your doctor about iovera° if you have tried other pain treatments for OA, or if you are discussing having knee replacement surgery. iovera° may also be an option for people who cannot have knee surgery. iovera° does not replace the need for knee surgery. Learn more about who may benefit from iovera°.
iovera° can block pain signals for up to 90 days.
As with any surgical treatment that uses a needle and local anesthesia, certain reactions can occur. For iovera°, these may include (but are not limited to) bruising, swelling, inflammation and/or redness, local pain and/or tenderness, and altered feeling at the application site (the knee).
Side effects from iovera° usually resolve on their own. Ask your doctor if you have concerns about side effects.
iovera° applies freezing cold to peripheral nerve tissue to block and/or relieve pain for up to 90 days. It should not be used to treat central nervous system tissue.
The iovera° system should not be used in people with the following conditions: